Gregg Levoy

“Callings: The Power of Passionate Work”

Any leap you (or those you coach and counsel) want to make in your persona or professional life that will align or re-align you with your passion and sense of purpose, your deepest values, and a fit between who you are and what you do is, by definition, a calling. That call could be to change your job description, make a creative leap, take on a new role or let go of an old one, launch a new venture or style of leadership, or simply make a course-correction in your life or work. People who are fueled by a sense of calling will bring that kind of passion and spirit to their jobs and careers, their companies and communities, their lives and the lives of others.

This Keynote and hands-on Workshop will explore the practical and psychological processes we encounter in listening and responding to our callings, and help us gain clarity and courage to take whatever Next Steps will deepen our own alignment with that sense of calling.

While honoring a call’s essential mystery, we’ll also explore the questions that arise naturally in the presence of any call: What does it ask of us? How do we tell the true call from the false? How do we handle our resistance to it? What happens when we say no? What Happens when we say yes?

The issues explored will include:
* Clarifying your callings
* Working with the resistance that naturally arises
* Identifying who and what can help you make the changes
* Creating an action plan of specific steps
* Gaining a renewed sense of direction and possibilities

About Gregg Levoy:

Gregg Levoy is the author of Vital Signs: Discovering and Sustaining Your Passion for Life (Penguin), and the best seller Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life (Random House) – rated among the “Top 20 Career Publications” by the Workforce Information Group. He is also the former “behavioral specialist” at USA Today and a regular blogger for Psychology Today.

He has presented at the Smithsonian Institution, Environmental Protection Agency, Microsoft, National Conference on Positive Aging, American Counseling Association, National Career Development Association, and many others, and a been a frequent guest of the media including ABC-TV, CNN, NPR, and PBS.

A former Adjunct professor of journalism at the University of New Mexico, and former columnist and reporter for USA Today and the Cincinnati Enquirer, he has written for the New York Times Magazine, Washington Post, Onbni, Psychology Today, Fast Company, and many others. His website is