MCDA Welcome Message, Fall 2024

Greetings! I welcome everyone to the Minnesota Career Development Association’s (MCDA) new program year, 2024-25. 

Every year is an opportunity to re-think, re-build, and even rewire.  This year, we are doing that in a big way!  Our website will be getting a big facelift this Fall, and taking a cue from last year, we will focus on in-person events, with an emphasis on Quality rather than Quantity. In addition, it is now time for us to update our organization’s By-Laws! Fun stuff!

We have a wonderful, core team to get us off the ground – see who’s who below – and I invite you to add to the fun by contributing to one of the committees that makes the MCDA-engine run. Key committees include:

Programming/Professional Development (our event planners!), Membership & Outreach (spreading the word about our wonderful organization), Communication (keeping everyone informed through our Newsletter, LinkedIn Group, and website) and last, but not least, 2025 Conference Planning. 

This last group requires the most brains and bodies!  We hope to hear from many of you that you are able to take on a small piece to contribute to this network of amazing Career professionals.  If you are interested in sharing your ideas and talents, please send email to, thank you!

Sharing our talents and resources with career-travelers and job seekers is vital and important work.  It’s impacted by what’s happening in our economy and the general psyche of the population.  So, we need each other’s support and tribal knowledge.  Join us to find a community with whom to share, grow and develop! I look forward to meeting you throughout the year!



Executive Board:

President, Jennifer Rogers
Co-President 2025, Bre Cahoy
President-Elect/Secretary, Tammison Smith
Past-President, Cynthia Favre
Treasurer, Tom Colosimo

Members of our Full Board:
Programming Committee Chair, Sheryl Saul
Communication Chair, Beth Johnson
At-Large Member, Brian Carlson
At-Large Member, Fathi Mohamed
At-Large Member, Jen Rosand 

Opening Year Social – Each year we begin with a social event.  No agenda, no formal presentations, just good old-fashioned networking time.  Please come and meet your fellow career development professionals and learn more about our terrific organization!                         

Tuesday, October 1, 2024                           Happy Hour* at Utepils Brewing                            4:30 PM – 7:30 PM   
* There are always non-alcoholic and non-beer options! 
A Brat Food Truck will also be onsite!
As we are reserving space, there will be a small registration fee. Details tbd, watch our Events page in coming days! 

A valuable benefit of membership is access to participation in the Mentor Program.
This unique program fosters professional growth and excellence in the career development field. Members can choose to participate as either a mentor or mentee, based on their individual goals and experience levels. 

Not a member yet?  No problem. Join, then complete the application form! The Mentor Program application is linked here!

Questions? Contact this year’s program coordinator, Ann Rogers, at Members will be receiving a separate Email about this soon. 

MCDA has engaged DKS/Build Labs to help us redesign our website.  Many thanks go to the Website Committee, Beth Johnson, Fathi Mohamed, LaBarre Spence, and Tina Wagner, chaired by Jennifer Rogers. We hope for an October launch (cross your fingers!) and we hope you enjoy our updated look and feel! 

Connect with MCDA and your colleagues
If you have not done so already, please Join our Minnesota Career Development Association LinkedIn Group.  Exchange information, share your celebrations – you may even see jobs posted there!