MCDA - Benefits of Membership


Minnesota Career Development Association Member benefits can be categorized into 4 areas:


Personal Development

Leadership & Recognition Opportunities

  • MCDA Board of Trustees
  • MCDA Committees: Membership & Outreach Committee, Minnesota Careers Conference Planning Committee (Spring Conference),
    Professional Development Committee, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Communication Committee, Website Committee. [Note: Not all committees are active each year.]

    • Coordinator role (sometimes co-coordinator) for Mentor Program
  • MCDA Awards and Scholarships: Each year, MCDA members can be nominated or self-nominate for any number of awards, recognizing service to MCDA and our profession.


  • Opportunity to engage with professionals from:
    • Schools: secondary, higher education; public/private
    • Private Practice: includes consulting
    • Agencies: government, non-profit
    • Business/Industry partners & Employers
    • Outplacement Firms

What people are saying

“Being a part of MCDA for so many years helped shape who I am as a professional. The talent, expertise and collegiality present in each gathering and event has been instrumental in advancing the field, growing knowledge, sharing wisdom and supportive of our being in service. Amazing people. Amazing work. Together.”