- Minnesota Career Development Association
COMPANY: Nancy Fraasch Consulting, Career Coach
CREDENTIALS: Masters of Business Administration degree, BS in Vocational Education. Attained the status of Career Management Practitioner (CMP) from the Institute of Career Certification International. Certified MBTI assessment administrator.
PHONE: 763-300-7500
E-MAIL: nancy@NancyFraaschConsulting.com
WEBSITE: www.nancyfraaschconsulting.com/
LOCATION: Minneapolis/St. Paul area
CLIENTS: Supporting individual job seekers in all levels including executives, managers, technical professionals, sales, and administrative personnel. Experience includes working with mature workers, mid-life career/job changers, high school students, and college students/new professionals. Coaching and supporting individuals and groups in career-related areas.
SERVICES: Formal and informal assessment/career direction, resume development, job search strategies, LinkedIn, interviewing and negotiation skills.