- Minnesota Career Development Association
COMPANY: Career Counselor and Facilitator, Find Your Fit, LLC
CREDENTIALS: MA Human Resource Development and Change Leadership Certified Neurotransformational and Consciousness Coach, Certified NeuroLeadership Brain–Based Results Certified Coach, Certified Neuroscience and Relational Trauma Coach, Certified ADHD and ADD Coach, International Coach Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC). Other credentials include: NCDA FCD Instructor certification (GCDF and CSSP Credentials), MBTI and MBTI Step II certification, EQi 2.0 certification, and 360º Reach Personal Branding certification.
PHONE: 612-325-1216
E-MAIL: cindy@tofindyourfit.com
WEBSITE: www.tofindyourfit.com
LOCATION: Minnesota based, serving local, national and international clients
CLIENTS: Employed, Unemployed, Transitions: Adults (Professional, Leaders, Executives), Recent Graduates, College Students, and High School Students. Find Your Fit, LLC works with people in all stages of their careers and across many industries including but not limited to Information Technology, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Sales, Finance, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Human Services, Education, Hospitality, Government, Communications, Arts and Entertainment, Recreation, Supply Chain, and Engineering.
SERVICES: Career Assessment, Career Exploration, Job Search Strategies, Marketing Strategies, Education Exploration, Identity Coaching, Neurodiversity coaching (ADHD/ASD), Performance Coaching, Leadership Coaching