Dear MCDA Members,
On behalf of the MCDA Executive Board and Board of Trustees, I am excited to share our
activities and work for this fall and the months ahead. There is great work being
done with programs in place and more being planned to meet the needs of our
Our work in career development reflects many of challenges and changes that impact all of us
as we help ourselves and others to find pathways and footing in our lives and careers.
Consequently, our theme this year builds on last year’s as a continuation of our focus on
support and growth. Particularly we want to offer opportunities for you, our members, to find
community, resources, and information to help in your important work.
Last year, MCDA pivoted successfully to provide services remotely. We sponsored well
attended and successful webinars, mentored connections, and hosted a dynamic spring
conference. There were also significant changes in the board membership and leadership this
past spring, due to a combination of retirements and individuals departing the board after years
of excellent, dedicated work. I wish to thank all of the contributors to MCDA, especially in the
past few years. Your contributions have been vital to the board’s success, as well as our ability
to support our mission and stay current in a changing landscape. Thank you!
For this year the board has decided to focus on a number of goals that fit with the
organization’s mission while meeting the current challenges and opportunities presented to us.
These goals include:
updating our messaging and information
expanding and diversifying our membership
providing ongoing and pertinent training and webinars
supporting initiatives in areas of diversity, equity and inclusion
Watch for events and programs throughout the year. To start our fall programming,
we hosted a successful in person social on October 28. The annual Mentoring
Program was launched last month. Future newsletters will provide more information and
updates, as well as a schedule for winter and spring programming that will include webinars
and an exciting spring conference. Most programs will continue to be virtual to keep us
connected and make our programming as accessible as possible while offering in person
programs as we can.
I believe the strength of MCDA is its incredible members. Smart, caring, knowledgeable and
committed professionals invested in the vital work of career development, employment services,
vocational exploration and much more. I am excited about our board of wonderful colleagues,
who will be key in continuing to make MCDA an invaluable resource for career professionals
across all professional areas that our members represent.
Finally, please consider volunteering for a committee or activity. MCDA’s success is
fundamentally based on the generosity, time and talent of many. New voices, perspectives and
orientations are crucial to our being vibrant, current, and valuable to our membership. If you
want to volunteer for one of the committees listed below please send a message to
MCDA website, minncareerdevelopment@gmail.com or to me at tina@tmwagner.com,
and your contact information will be sent to the appropriate committee chair:
Spring Conference Planning,
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,
Professional Development,
Communications & Social Media,
Membership & Outreach
Finally, please share our story with others – new members are always welcome! Our
diversity of perspectives, backgrounds and focus gives our organization a vital
Please contact me if you have questions or comments.
Thank you and all the best,
Tina Wagner
MCDA President 2021 – 2022