Emotional Intelligence Explored in Multiple RoundTable Events

Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is considered the best predictor of success, even more so than intelligence (IQ). In today’s competitive and uncertain world, EQ competencies are more important than ever to get hired and to move up in an organization. Career practitioners discussed how emotional intelligence affects the job search during multiple events the week […]

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Pick Your RoundTable for National Career Development Month

  MCDA RoundTables Across Minnesota National Career Development Week November 12-16, 2018 To honor National Career Development Week, November 12-16, 2018, the Minnesota Career Development Association (MCDA) is hosting RoundTable discussions in multiple locations across the state. These informal professional development and networking events will focus on the topic Emotional Intelligence & the Job Search […]

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President’s Corner: Fall Is Time for Changes

by Gordon Helle, MCDA President   One of the great parts of living in Minnesota is experiencing the seasons changing around you. As I sit here writing, I’m amazed at the different ways that the trees around me respond to the changes. Some drop their leaves at the first hint of cold. Others will hold onto […]

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