Title: December RoundTable
Location: University of Minnesota Law School Room 471
Link out: Click here
Description: What: Stress Management in the Job Search
When: Wednesday, December 8th
Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Facilitator: Laura Wiese and Heather Rowson
Where: University of Minnesota Law School Room 471 (http://www.law.umn.edu/contact/directions.html)
RSVP: Please RSVP to Liz Brenner at elizabethgrace1@gmail.com no later than Monday, December 6th.
We will be serving food at our meeting, so please RSVP to ensure there is enough food for everyone. Also, if you have any food allergies or preferences, please indicate in your RSVP.

Stress Management in the Job Search

We as career counselors have assisted many clients in their job search and know how stressful this process can be for the client; especially if it has been continuing on for a while. It is important for us to help our clients deal with and reduce this stress so they can continue to be motivated in their job search. Research has shown that keeping a positive attitude and setting smaller goals can help eliminate stress and make the job hunt that much easier. This RoundTable will specifically focus on the stresses that are caused by the job search and how you can help your clients manage them.

The following are some resources you may want to take a look at before the RoundTable. Feel free to come with any other resources related to this topic that you find helpful.




Barber, A.E., & Daly, C.L. (1994). Job search activities: an examination of changes over time. Personnel Psychology, 47(4), 739-766.

The Minnesota Career Development Association (MCDA) offers monthly RoundTable meetings that focus on selected career development topics to help us become better practitioners.